Monday, May 28, 2007

Moving On...

"I tried to be perfect, It just wasn’t worth it...nothing could ever be so wrong...
I’d say all the words that I know just to see if it would show... that I'm trying to let you know...
That I’m better off on my own"

- Sum 41, Pieces

I woke up one day and said "Screw it...I'm going independent". And that in a nutshell brings us to this blog. But let's add some context around this...

I'm a software developer living in Canada. I've been in the industry since 2000-ish, and work in a provincial capital. I've worked a number of gigs over those years, and each one has had some aspect of WTF attached to it...some good experience and alot of bad experience...the old "wow, now I know what NOT to do..." type of situations.

I've been with my current company for a while now, and its not a bad one. But its also not perfect...and looking ahead, I'm realizing that I'm just not happy. There's no real growth potential for me here...they say there is, but not in what I'm really passionate about. So what do I do? Do I just jump ship to another company where I know there will be the same issues that I'll have to deal with all over again, and with zero seniority? Why bother...better the devil you know...

No, instead I'm going to be embarking on a new adventure: creating my own company and working as an independant consultant...a gun for hire...a bounty hunter...a developer in control of their own destiny.

One thing I've found is that there's very little out there that talks about what you need to do for setting up an independant consulting business and what's all involved. That's where my blog comes in: I'll be posting about all the various events that occur on the road to enlightenment (or ultimate doom...there's always risk).

So come along for the ride, and hopefully I'll be able to share information that will helpothers out there who want to start on their own path to freedom and independence.


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